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Feb 2, 2018


Energy Musings. Here. Now. 


The recent Full Moon/Eclipse unearthed some deep dark places both personally and collectively.  How have you been navigating this darkness?

The beauty of the full moon is its radiant light, so remember to bring in the light today, this week and as you continue to feel the ripples from the last lunar event (which you likely were feeling before the event as well!).  The timing couldn’t be more perfect, as it also “candlemas” today, and whatever your personal belief system, the call to light & bless candles is completely aligned with the energy of the moment.

Light your candles with intention and focus, not just a strike of the match.  Invision that light coming in to the dark places in YOU and with its luminosity, gently creating vision and awareness.  Keep conversation to a minimum today and over the next few days, as the volatile nature of what has been ‘unearthed’ lends itself to triggered places in others (and ourselves) so language is tricky right now.  Even the best intentioned wording can cause sudden harm. Practicing being silent is a form of deep listening and particularly beneficial right now.

Resist the urge to be loud, opinionated, passionate, boisterous, etc this weekend.  Remember:  timing is everything.  And the alignment through discernment to know when something is appropriate or not is key.

Silence.  Prayers. Candles. Stillness.  These are the things this day and weekend are calling for.  Find your own way to honor these needs.


Word of the Day: Coruscate is a verb that means to sparkle or give off reflected flashes of light. Think of the way the little mirrors on a disco ball coruscate as the ball twirls, making the dance floor sparkle.

Song of the Day:  The Sound of Silence, Simon & Garfunkel

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