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Fri, June 24 – Sun, June 26 2016


Energy Musings.  Here. Now.

This Weekend.

Family.  Friends.  Your flock.  Your tribe.  Your community. This Unity that binds us to each other. That reminds us we are all related.  We are truly all connected.  Separation is an illusion.  You can’t separate your bloodlines out and pick and choose which ones you want and which you don’t.  Its ALL in you. All in You.  To think of pulling apart the pieces, teasing out the “unruly” ones, would be like starting to pull of the fingers you don’t use as much.  Suddenly you will realize that each one is necessary to create the beauty and action of your whole hand. Don’t cut anything off!

In your own personal life, Stop the dissemination. Stop the pulling apart.  Stop the separation.  For this weekend at least, put that all aside.  Instead, look deeply at what acceptance, unity and connection would bring you.  Maybe you need to weave the threads together in a slightly different pattern?  Resisting and reframing the temptation to eliminate some altogether.

Family is at the heart of this work this weekend, so look here to find a way to apply these concepts to your life.  Then, with support, truth, acceptance and love…. Carry On.

sentence of the day courtesy my son Rilke: “carry on even in the darkest places” 

song of the day: Carry on My Wayward Son by Kansas

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