Energy Musings. Here. Now.
This Weekend!
The Newness of Now. The Nowness of New. Each moment we live, we breathe, we experience is brand new. A new precious moment, hour, day….. to play, learn, grow, love, accomplish, let go and create the life, family, relationships and world we long for.
But it all starts with a moment. With this moment. With this New moment. Each word you utter, each reaction that comes up, each interaction, each thought …. carries with it the potential of the new.
What is the potential of the New? It exists beyond expectation and judgement. It is in the present, not the past or future. It holds limitless possibilities. It requires total trust. It begs you for unconditional acceptance. Really appreciating the newness of each moment requires you to radically let go. Let go of conditioned response. Let go of old patterns. Let go of repeating cycles. Let go of all the ‘stuck’ places.
As you move through these next brand new 24 hours and beyond, to the brand new 24 hours after that…. can you embrace the New? Can you look for the places where Newness will serve you and those around you. Lifting you ALL to ‘higher ground’ in the process. Shifting. Changing. Transforming.
What is possible here… in the newness of now?
Word(s) of the Weekend: Newness. Nowness.
Song of the Weekend: Whats New Pussycat? 😉 Tom Jones