Energy Musings. Here. Now.
We are operating at warp speed. Catching up quickly to the lessons we have long been avoiding. The ones hidden in the deep dark shadows and recesses of our psyche and being. This kind of “catch up” can been be brutal at times. Can throw you off balance, trigger you, feel like a relentless ‘attack’.
The question is: how do you respond to pressure? I don’t mean the kind of pressure when you leave your homework assignment till the night before or don’t study for a test until the 11th hour. I mean pure, base, raw, survival pressure.
Collectively, we need a new way, a new strategy, some new options.
Starting with ourselves,cultivate the deepest level of awareness we are capable of in this moment. And this one. And this one. Noticing exactly when we lose or drop this awareness and coming back to it time and time and time again. This takes training, and diligence.
It’s also time to strategize Together and struggle through differing opinions and viewpoints to see the collective universal wisdom that I know is there, but hasn’t yet been revealed.
We must listen, really listen, and listen more. Listen without judgement. Remembering if we truly are to remain “awake and aware” ; If we truly are to move forward with “eyes wide open”; then we must, MUST, take in ALL information. We can’t pick and choose, because then we don’t have the whole picture.
We’ve run out of time. In this moment, everyone must rise together. In this moment, we all must do our work. In this moment, we must and can, shift.
Peace All.
Word of the day: pressure
Song of the day: “Way Down We Go” Kaleo