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Friday, Mar 25 – Sunday, Mar 27, 2016


Energy Musings.  Here.  Now.

This Weekend!

Its time for Acceptance.  Acceptance of what you have previously shut out or denied.  This is likely quite personal, requiring deep looking inward.  Is there a piece, or pieces, of you, yourself, your family, your traditions, your life that have been left out, ignored, shoved in a closet?

Pick one, and consciously choose to bring it back into your being, back into your life.  With focussed intention and loving attention, this doesn’t need to be difficult…. just sincere.  Take a deep breath in and focus.

Are there places in your self where you can love yourself more?  Open the doors of your heart to your self and start here.  Then see what comes next.

And follow the path of Acceptance.

Word of the Weekend:  Acceptance

Song of the Weekend:  Hand in My Pocket by Alanis Morissette

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