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Friday, March 10, 2017


Energy Musings. Here. Now.


Feel the soles of your feet on this earth with each step.  Breathe into and through your feet as you walk through your day.  Touch the ground with awareness and gentleness and ease. Each step is sacred.  Each breath matters.

As we get lost in thinking and watching and doing and going, our attention shifts away from these feet, this walking, this touching the earth.  Bringing ourselves back to this awareness keeps us grounded, solid, present.  Keeps us connected to our Nature.  Keeps us remembering where we are and what it is we are walking towards.

Feel your feet, barefooted and free, coming into contact with all the textures & sensations of your world. Walk in the rain, the snow, the mud, the leaves, the dirt, the sand, the water, the rocks, the concrete.  Feel it all. Breathe it in.

Pay attention through the soles of your feet today, not through your head.  Pay attention to the sensations here as you align with the earth herself. Bringing your attention back to the feet time and time again.

What is it you want to send into the heart of the Earth with each step you take?  Breathe that in, and send it down into the earth, planting seeds one step at a time.

Watch your step. Remember your feet.

Song of the Day:  Walkin in the Rain by the Rosettes.

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