Happy Weekend! This weekend, connect with community. Consciously choose where, how and when you connect. What is it that you need right now? Is it the community of your nuclear family? Is it the community of an intimate group of friends? Is it the community of your neighbors? Is it a larger community? Each one of us has multiple circles of communities we come in and out of. They are like the circles that make up the flower of life, interconnected. There isn’t just one tribe or community that is yours… but many many many tribes you belong to! As you choose to engage or disengage in one or another, do so consciously. Paying attention to the deep calling of your soul. Watch for signs of guilt, laziness or distraction pulling you in one direction or another. Don’t necessarily go with your first instinct. Sometimes that first instinct is a well worn path of denial or just habit. Maybe you need to try something different? or maybe not. Asking yourself this question first allows you the opportunity to choose. Many options are right in front of you at this moment in time. With grace, patience and acceptance , step forward with acknowledgement as you choose your path.
Word of the weekend: community
Pose of the weekend: Navasana. Boat Pose. Partnered!