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January 14, 2018


Energy Musings.  Here.  Now.


emerge. (v.) (from 1560s, from Middle French émerger and directly from Latin emergere “bring forth, bring to light,” intransitively “arise out or up, come forth, come up, come out, rise,” from assimilated form of ex “out” (see ex-) + mergere “to dip, sink” (see merge). The notion is of rising from a liquid by virtue of buoyancy. Related: Emerged; emerging.

Imagine yourself, buoyant.  Rising from the depths of the sea.  From far below, underneath, where you have been hiding or living.  Perhaps you sank here?  Or perhaps you were born here?  Perhaps you didn’t even realize, this is where you were?  Do you even remember a time when this was not your resting place?

Look up and see the light filtering through the distant watery surface.  How far above you is that journey?  How deep in the darkness are you sleeping?  How long have you been here?

Traveling to the light always represents a birth of some form.  You already know how to do this.  The work is learning how to not resist your own natural state of bouyancy.  To be re-born, is simply to re-member.

Find the practices to integrate into your daily life that enable you to trust, soften, relax and let go.  Perhaps it is meditation, chanting, silent walking, dance, yoga.   Look to what makes your feel free and what brings you a sense of ease.  This is not a time to force effort. Not a time to work hard. Or get the endorphins chugging.

This is a time to surrender to what is your natural state of being. This is the focus and awareness necessary to float to the surface and come in to the deeper expression of your life you have been longing for.

To Emerge.

Happy 2018.

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