Energy Musings. Here. Now.
Rest. Clear. Ground. Slow down your pace. Re-frame your week by nurturing and taking a time IN today.
Typically, Mondays are seen as “manic”, a leap back into the business of our lives after our weekend. But this is largely manipulated by our perception. Try changing your perception today.
Instead of leaping into your work week, how about stepping in mindfully? Allow the fullness of your work to come in one steady gentle step at a time. See if this new approach gives you new tools, a new perspective, a new outlook on your work load. You might feel like you have no control over the work you have to do. That you don’t have the opportunity to slow down.
I ask you this: Do you have the time to take one extra breath? One conscious inhale and One conscious exhale? This alone, will make a difference. Use your breath to clear away any attachment, stress, anxiety that creeps in so you can see your work more clearly.
“Breathing in I know that I am breathing in. Breathing out, I know that I am breathing out. ”
Your work will still be there. No one will notice you’ve taken one extra breath before walking into that meeting, before speaking to a group, before turning on your computer, before responding to an email. But YOU will notice. You will.
Song of the Day: We are Alive by Paul van Dyk