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Monday, Aug 7th, 2017


Energy Musings. Here. Now.


Re-calibrate.  With all that is happening (or not) in the places around you and within you, take a moment to re-align with your core.  Coming back to your center, notice any changes that have occurred and how you register them.  As you register these shifts, allow this new information to integrate.  Use your breath, anchor through the soles of your feet, feel this solid, clear place of be-ing.

This week, this particular practice holds significance as we navigate the Lunar Eclipse today & the peak of the Lions Gate opening tomorrow. These astronomical opportunities provide opportunity for letting go of old outdated assumptions we may unconsciously carry with the chance to re-calibrate our beings & to re-set our minds into more appropriate and aligned patterns.

Re-calibrating can take many forms.  Look around your home, work, tools, electronics & life for areas where this may apply.

Word of the Day:  Re-Calibrate

Song of the Day:  Lana Delray:  American

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