Energy Musings. Here. Now.
Today, tonight, marks the Solstice. The darkest night of the year. A time traditionally for reflection, silence, inner work and pulling in. As much as I feel called to gather with groups to mark these transitions (and I do!), the Winter Solstice really embodies and reflects a more intimate nature to our work.
This place, these days, are all about You. Are you able to see clearly your needs, your requirements, your accomplishments and strengths when you are in a group? Or do you wind up empathically connecting to all those around you and by default lose sight of the deeply personal and often painful healing and work you need? Answering this honestly will help guide you to the place you need to be to acknowledge this place of “darkness”.
We all know that the light is just on the other side of the darkness. Just as the inhale follows immediately upon the exhale. There is no need to fear one or the other. The common blind spot we share is avoiding the darkness thinking that it is separate or bad in comparison to the light. We can go on indefinitely individually and as a species, turning a “blind eye” to that which we would rather ignore or avoid.
Tonight we are given the beautiful opportunity to once again look in those difficult places with strength, love, self compassion and the true knowledge that regardless of what we find when we look there, the light WILL return.
As you have addressed the loose ends over the last weeks, done your “preventative medicine” work, addressed your procrastination head on… know that you are well supported to move through this transition cycle.
Relax, breathe and exhale into the darkness.
The Inhale will be waiting for you.