Energy Musings. Here. Now.
Take Care of You today. With the work of the season, of this beginning period, it is all too easy to have self care slip through cracks slowly or fall to the bottom of the chasm in an instant! When you take the time out to notice JUST WHAT YOU NEED, you can put a stop to that slippery slope and reclaim your health and well being fairly quickly.
Notice where you might be off today. Tired? Achy? Sore throat? And then sit with those sensations to see what it is you need. Maybe this is a long known pattern attributed to allergies and you know exactly the remedy that will work but just haven’t bothered to take it or purchase it yet? Maybe its something new that you are feel too tired to deal with? Whatever the case, some fresh air and sunshine, a moment or two of silence, and a quick check in with your breath, will help guide you in the right direction for healing.
Areas that are under a lot of pressure today and this week include the middle back (particularly left side) and deep in the pelvis. This is also manifesting in the throat with dryness and hoarsness.
Movement that rotates or gently twists the body in yoga or dance (or Tai Chi~) helps release the middle blockage. Allowing that movement its natural access up the spine through the throat and down the body through the pelvis will help release the upper and lower blockages.
Access your own healing knowledge and take care of yourself today for a wonderful week ahead!
Word of the Day: Self-Care
Song of the Day: Loco Motion covered by Grand Funk Railroad.