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On Balance in Precarious Times



these little sky paintings are all about balance. Which is NOT necessarily equal parts.  Instead, I look at the relationship between sky & earth, above & below. 

There is always more I can say on any given day, in any given post.  My “musings” tend to remain positive, action oriented and simple.   This is intentional.  Everything I write is always to help navigate whatever is happening energetically currently or to help with something that is coming.  Its more than just “nice advice”.   This I wrote after my blogpost this AM and is an important addendum to the discussion.  May you find peace, health, strength and balance. Remember the Full Moon is approaching.  This is significant as well.  Work now, and that transition will bring you exactly what you need.  

Many, many, many, many of You, of Us, have been having one hell of a challenging time lately. Over the last few weeks I have watched as friends, family, neighbors, students, teachers…. have been hit hard by the incoming energetics and the discord present at the moment. The discord is created by the places within each of us that are not in balance.

I personally have had HUGE lessons on balance, acceptance and what my own personal strength looks like previous to this energetic download. I am deeply grateful for those lessons as they have helped me navigate the current tide with more ease.

Those of us left standing with awareness, who are awake at this time, have looked out over the landscape with people suffering to ask: Whats Happening?

The best I can do at this time is to keep myself in balance so that I can be there for others who are ready to step into balance as well.

One at a time, hand by hand, we are building bridges to this new place. One at a time, hand by hand, WE are actually creating the blueprint, the new map. If you are having a hard time right now, know that we are here…. hands outstretched… holding and waiting for YOU. Take the time you need, let go of your frustration, judgement, expectation of how its supposed to be. This is vital.

Then….Find your balance.

Then Reach and you will find me. You will find us. You will find yourself.

And the world will change, forever.

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