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Prayer for Tired


Let me go to bed at night, tired. Not exhausted, depleted, spent, drained or worn out. Just…. tired.

Tired from a day well spent. A life well lived. A moment fully realized.

Tired from doing all that I love and cherish and enjoy.

Tired from being awake and aware in every situation.

Tired from muscles that have been used appropriately and vigorously.

Tired from envisioning and philosophizing and working out complex issues.

Tired from going places and seeing people that bring me beauty and nourishment.

Tired from maintaining my home, my sacred space, with care and attention.

Tired from shuttling my children back and forth to the activities that bring them deep joy.

Tired from taking care of all the responsibilities that come with a privileged life.

Tired from sharing my gifts, my talents, my work, my love with my family, my friends, my students, my community.

yes, please, let me be tired. Every night. In every way.



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