Energy Musings. Here. Now.
This Week-End.
Unfurl. Open. Expand. Release.
Unfold. From the seed that you were, the ones you have planted, unfold. Gently, with grace, awareness and ease, unfold. Your wings, fresh and delicate, unfold.
Having reached the place where all there is left is to Unfold, carefully resist the temptation to restrict or constrain your natural, relaxed growth and simply… .unfold.
Just unfold into the being you have already become. Unfurling your leaves one at a time to reveal the full you.
Bloom, blossom, birth. From within. and Unfold yourself.
Mudra: Make tight fists with both hands, then, one finger at a time, uncurl and open each finger individually, Until your palm is spread wide and your fingers reach out. Bring your hand, open palmed, face up on your seated lap, in a gesture of divine receiving and just let it in.
Yoga: come into any forward fold, seated or standing. Pull yourself in and feel the fold. Now, with great care and awareness, mindfully unfold yourself placing your keen subtle awareness on this transition… The process of unfolding itself. Lengthen, breathe and expand as you unfold.
Song: Funky Kingston by Toots and the Maytals