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Saturday June 4 – Sunday June 5, 2016


Energy Musings.  Here.  Now.

A major Transitional Phase is upon us (well, has been for some time, actually!) and is about to get highlighted this weekend with the New Moon energy coming into play.  Its akin to taking a giant yellow, no make that PINK, highlighter to the areas in your life that aren’t clear that have been coming up for you over the past year.  If you are lucky, these will come up one at a time, but they may also come up all at once.

Your best strategy will be to stay GROUNDED, CLEAR and FULL this weekend so you can remove the debris with skilled discernment.  To do that, take care of yourself, your needs, your family and stay focussed in the present moment.  Be productive too.  It might mean working on cleaning out that mystery closet in your house once and for all, or organzing that growing pile of papers in your office, or making phone calls that keep slipping off your to do list.  A little (or a lot) of productivity will help anchor you in that place of practical solutions so you don’t get overwhelmed by the power of the past moving through you.  Look to your favorite astrology reports too to see more about the New Moon this weekend.

Above all else, remember who you are and engage in activities that aim to bring you in alignment with yourself.

Word of the Weekend:  Align!

Song of the Weekend:  Who are You by the Who

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