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Saturday, September 1, 2019


Energy Musings.  Here. Now.

This Weekend!

It always begins with the breath.  Breathing deep into your belly, your ribs, your hips your feet, your hands.  Breathing all the way into your life, your soul, your being.  Breathing all the way IN.  From here, the breath can offer space and clearing.  It can also show you where there is discomfort, tension, places where you just insist on holding on, whether you notice it or not.

This weekend is about moving through the emotional storm that has been either raging or quietly building inside you and finding your path through it all.  To move through it, its true, you will need to be “in” it.  But being in it to move it, and being in it to wallow, are very different intentions. Be mindful not to get stuck or sidetracked.  Don’t get too nit-picky or petty.  Don’t start to overanalyze every feeling or over react to every situation.  Its best to take some distance, some space, some breathing room and just KEEP ON MOVING FOWARD.  Slowly, carefully, lovingly and deliberately.

Until you reach the other shore.

Along the way, you may notice others in your circles becoming stuck, triggered, or bogged down.  As you make your way forward, you’ll help to create more pathways for others who might need them.  Feel free to reach out a hand, offer some assistance, but remember to still keep moving forward… even as you guide others.  Momentum is key this weekend.

Its a big transition weekend for most.  And in these times of transition, lets bring some ease and clarity to our inner work.

Song of the Day:  Gaining Momentum by MC Hammer

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