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Soul Musings: Idling thoughts

 I’m building something. 

  • Literally one person at a time. 

  • Literally one conversation at a time. 

  • Literally one word at a time. 

This is the only way in my experience to build something that is “authentic“. There are many ways to build something in general: 

  • to build a business 

  • to build an audience 

  • to build your online presence

  • to build wealth 

  • to build success

Perhaps I’ve lived long enough to see how so many of the ways we “build” things like structures, families, meaning, businesses, 

eventually collapse due to the simple lack of understanding that to build something genuine and generative takes time, discernment, clarity, and most of all surrender. 

I of course am speaking from the perspective of a small business owner in the healing and creative arts. I am not sure how much this translates to other fields, but no doubt there is some metaphorical alignment. Some collective nodding. What I have come to realize is that there are many ways to justify the hustle, the attention seeking, the money and power grabbing. There are many ways to disguise it as something else. But eventually, the true quality of one's intention and energy will surface, no matter how carefully scripted to appear. On some level on some plane you are fully seen for all your actions, all your hypocrisies, all your blind spots and all your power.  It's humbling.  Beautifully so. 

So I am building the only way that makes sense to me. One brick at a time.

 no longer chasing no longer grabbing no longer competing no longer sneaking no longer plotting

 No longer ignoring the problematic aspects. 

This is not a public proclamation. This is private, intimate and most importantly, sincere inner work. it is a deep clearing and cleansing. I get very easily distracted by the circus of the world. By the players who are acting out certain roles. The ones whose values contradict or conflict mine. The ones who seem so obviously to use gimmick.  But that is their game to play. Not mine to interfere with.

So I’m just showing up.  More of me.  More honest. More simple. More real.  And I hope, more profoundly human.

 What would it take for you to show up this way in your work in your life in your body?

This is the question I sit with every day.

Put a halt on the hustle, the rush, the push, the “drive”.  

Let's idle together.  

Yours in the in between,


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