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Sunday, Jan 29, 2017


Energy Musings. Here. Now.


What does it mean to live and be “awake”?  What does “eyes wide open” mean to you?  How do you “pay attention” with full discernment?

Lets try this.  Close your eyes and enter the awareness of your body, tuning in to subtle sensation and responses.  Tune in first to the breath, she will be your guide.  Allow her to lead you through the body.  Listen, Listen deeply.  Take a deep breath in and blow it away.  Really blow it away.  Then breathe again, this time, a bit more relaxed, softer, more accepting.

And now listen to these words while you maintain your inner awareness. While you remain connected to your body.  Imagine you hear someone, other than you, saying these words.  How does your body respond? if at all?  (We are actively looking for triggers here so know that they might show up.)

Here we go:

“If you are not feeling angry right now, than you must be asleep.”

breathe it in, let it go.

“If you are not happy right now, than you must be an angry person.”

breathe it in, let it go.

“If you do not feel hopeful right now, than you must not be spiritual”

breathe it in, let it go.

“If you don’t see the hopelessness of this moment, than you must not really be looking”

breathe it in, let it go.

“If you don’t accept this President, then you must not be Patriotic”

breathe it in, let it go.

“If you accept this Presidency, then you must be stupid.”

breathe it in, let it go.

Now try these:

“I’m so excited there’s going to be a change”

“I’m so sad about what’s happening in the world”

“I’m so worried about the future”

“I’m so hopeful about the future”

Now listen, listen deeply to these words:

“Liberals react to every issue, emotionally. Never using common sense. But in reality, they just want to feel good about themselves.”

“Conservatives react to every issue, emotionally. Never using common sense. But in reality, they just want to feel good about themselves.”

“Liberals come off as a rambling ball of unreasonable hatred which if any had a good cause to promote I couldn’t tell because it was lost in childish rhetoric and hostility.”

“Trump supporters come off as a rambling ball of unreasonable hatred which if any had a good cause to promote I couldn’t tell because it was lost in childish rhetoric and hostility.”

“European news sources are saying that the Democrats’ goal is to destablize the country, the govt and ultimately our economy.  It’s about power and money.”

“European news sources are saying that the Trump’s goal is to destablize the country, the govt and ultimately our economy.  It’s about power and money.”

I have heard and read all of these above words (and so many more) in the last few days/week.  From all sorts of walks of life and people.  People who claim they are awake, people who have no clue what that means,  people who couldn’t care less, people who care deeply, people who teach others to be awake.

Are you awake? aware?  eyes wide open?  willing and able to see the whole picture?  Unwilling to point fingers, blame, shame or condemn?  Because I know this much, that the path of pointing fingers may seem like the shortcut but is really a detour leading us back to this exact same moment in time over and over again.   And even here, we may disagree. And even in that disagreement, we may find respect and understanding.

But we might start with this:  What does it mean to be awake?  Lets get our definitions clear first.

Word of the Day:  Awake!

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