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Thursday, Nov 3, 2016


Energy Musings.  Here. Now.


Its hard not to talk about the upcoming election and its current energetic impact on the area and the country.  Many of us are tired of it. Ready for it be over.  Totally Done.  We have stopped reading the tweets, the posts, the emails, the letters.  Stopped listening to the radio, the talk shows, the comedy shows, the rants, the pleas.  And at a certain point, it is necessary to say “Enough“.  You have the information you need to decide for yourself what should happen and what it is that you might personally need to do or contribute.  Know that and let everything else go.

As you come to that place, re-inforcing your personal perimeter, creating a protective shield around you, remember that the influence of the election is still out there.  Watch you health and keep yourself clear.  This will become increasingly important over the next few days.  Do what you need to do to Ground yourself and just keep clearing your field.

Get plenty of sleep, eat well, move your body, get out in nature, breathe consciously, meditate, read your favorite piece of fiction, make art, play with your kids, drink tea, nurture yourself, call a friend, fill yourself and fill yourself some more.  Notice the situations and people and places that drain you and just stay away from them for now.  Notice the situations and people and places that fill you and anchor in there.  Its time to start the healing process. To get a jumpstart on it NOW.

Be well Everyone.  And take care of YOU.


Word of the day:  Clear

Song of the day: Take Good Care of Yourself by the Three Degrees

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