Energy Musings. Here. Now.
Today. Break it down to bite size pieces. Make it small and doable. Make it easy to succeed. Think about it in terms of small baby steps. One – at – a -time. Whatever the “IT” is. Is It: A project? A plan? A change? A lifestyle? A decision? Big? Small?
Sometimes, its true, you need to leap into the unknown. But sometimes you need to step slowly, carefully, watchful and aware. Knowing the difference of when to do which is absolutely critical. Having the ability to do both is completely necessary.
Are you more of a leaper or slow stepper in general? Do you know how to find the personal balance between these two approaches? Balance doesn’t quite mean equal parts… balance is different for all of us. For a “slow stepper”, balance might be one giant leap every 7 years! For a “leaper”, balance might be a few small steps every 6 months. What is your balance here?
Today you are being asked to find a place in your life that requires the slow and steady approach. Be the turtle and move forward one step at a time.
Word of the day: Steady
Song of the day: Slow & Steady by Of Monsters and Men