Energy Musings. Here. Now.
Clear a pathway, just one pathway, to something, someplace, someone today. It might be a small corner of your desk so you have a better view through a window, or perhaps raking an area in your backyard, or maybe even just sweeping a hallway in your home? It could be a phone call or conversation that needs to happen to clear the air. You can even clear a pathway in your mind using your breath. Or in your body, using dance. Or clear a pathway in your work, focusing your time and energy on a project. There are many ways to consider “clearing a pathway”.
Each perception is just a lens that helps us see more clearly. Remember there are always multiple perspectives at play simultaneously. It can be overwhelming and confusing to try to think of all these perspectives all at once, but if you pick one lens to see through clearly, all the other implications and areas will be impacted as well. Its just about getting started and following through with your intention.
Today, look for a pathway to be cleared. A way to get from point A to point B. And then, with focus and attention, walk mindfully down the path you have created, and see what is there for you.
song of the day: heavydirtysoul by 21 Pilots