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Wednesday, Aug 16, 2017


Energy Musings. Here. Now.


With the “Great American Eclipse” approaching soon, there is a lot of buzz in the air.  Some people are giddy with excitement over this coming event while others are already triggered into fear places and are on high alert.  Know that both these perspectives hold an element of ‘truth’.  For understanding your best course of action however, it always best to remain neutral.   Being neutral means coming into balance in your being, clearing yourself fully, grounding into your truth, and filling with your life force.  It is very easy in this day & age, particularly with our social media outlets, to become “swept away” by others excitement, worry or other impulses.  Being neutral does not mean being aloof or dismissive.  It means paying close close attention to what is really happening and how you need to respond.

Take a look at the eclipse, its meaning, its significance. Take a look at the hype, the pressure.  Take a look at this “once in a lifetime experience” and understand what that means to you. For some, it will mean intentionally traveling to be in the path of totality, for others it will mean staying closer to home to see what they see, for others still it might mean not seeing it at all.  In this seemingly obvious observation, there is actually a lot to consider and pay attention to.  Its interesting to note that through the lens of Astronomy this is a magical, fun, really cool thing to see.  But shift to the lens of Astrology and eclipses historically are not exactly seen as positive.  Energetically, they are portals that bring the darkness to the surface to be examined.  They temporarily block out all light so that you must face your deepest “blind spots”.  Imagine the entire US flocking to this path of totality for an awesome cosmic event but unaware of the energetic component to this same event.

Consider ALL lenses, know which perspective you hold, and balance that thoughtfully with other perspectives.  Through full understanding of what “it” is, you can let go of any extraneous attachments .  Look out for the following patterns:  Do you hate feeling “left out”?  Do you have a need to know what everyone else is doing?  Are you  addicted to curiosity? Are you worried you might “miss something”?       Do you tend to follow the crowd? Any way you answer these questions will give you insights into your motivations and impulses. Its best to clear these places before you ask yourself : where do I need to be?  what do I need to do?

Word of the Day: Perspective

Song of the Day: American Idiot by Green Day

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