Energy Musings. Here. Now.
Today, compassion. Compassion for yourself. Compassion for your Community. Compassion for the world. Send it out. Send it in. With each breath, each inhaled molecule of oxygen, feel that compassion that rides on the in breath and out breath. Without attachment or suffering, just let it flow. In and out.
Practice the art of detached compassion. Not detached from the compassion itself, which is universally and deeply felt. But from what is extra in that place. Allowing the compassion in and then allowing it out. Do not hold on to it or grasp at it. Simply let it be. In this way, balance can be restored. Within and without. This kind of compassion will wash you clean and cleanse the whole world in the process. Instead of overwhelming you or causing your (and the world ) to react.
There is subtle but powerful wisdom here. Taste it today.
Word of the day: Compassion
Mantra of the day: Om Namo Avalokiteshvara.
translation: Namo Avalokiteshvara, have compassion on me, listen to my sufferings….. Namo Avalokiteshvara, have compassion on those loved ones around me, listen to their sufferings….. Namo Avalokiteshvara, have compassion in the world, listen to all sufferings…..
Song of the day: Plum Village chants Om Namo Avalokiteshvara.