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Wednesday, July 4th, 2018.


Energy Musings. Here. Now.


Independence.  What does that word mean to you?  personally?

Close your eyes and breathe it in.

Independence.  Freedom from outside control or support.

Independence.  Freedom from the influence or aid of others.


What would independence give you in your life right now?  Who or what would you choose to become independent from?

This concept of independence as a foundational element of our very society is one that is worth considering from a broader perspective.  From a place of non-attachment, from the discerning wisdom of a clear mind.  Is Independence a part of our nature…. or a part of anything in Nature to begin with?  Or are we more closely aligned with inter-dependence and even outright dependence?  I wonder why we react from a place of protection and fear when we consider the possibility that we in fact are necessarily and beautifully dependent on each other, on the planet, on those we’ve never met, and on those we see every day.  Sometimes it feels like an escape pod, a reaction based on fear. Fear of our own intimate vulnerability and the truth of how connected and needy we really are.  Perhaps our laser like focus on independence is at the root of much of our suffering as an individual, as a nation, as a society, as a world.  Perhaps its at least worth considering.

Today marks the United States anniversary of Independence.  After 241 years, it may be time to reflect on what that word means to us here and now today and what we know to be true for ourselves, our communities and beyond.  Not looking back at those decisions made in a moment of turmoil, not judging or analyzing,  but looking forward, to how we might want to navigate this territory of “independence” for the generations to come.

Independence? Is that what we really want to be celebrating and the legacy we want to continue?  Amidst the joy and celebration of our amazing fortune to be here now in this truly blessed place, lets take a moment of silence in the presence of all that is happening, to really consider our perceived  “independence”.

With Love,


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